Thursday, September 13, 2007


While Men consider us women to be the most engmatic, puzzling and intriguing creatures in the planet, I think one underlying quality that binds men all across the world is their SIMPLICITY.Experiences with my Dad, husband and other umpteen male friends of mine inspired me to pen this ode to the amazing Species.There has been so much male bashing going around that I thought I should say something nice about them..........So here I am................Well, I think men are much simpler than the complex creatures that we are........According to me , they know exactly what they want out of life and work their way towards achieving it.The three basic needs are, Power, Money and Sex (not necessarily in the same order)Unlike women, whose needs and wants keep changing according to situations, men have just the three goals to focus on.We spend a lifetime of bickering, Jealously and Gossip, but men are superior to us in this aspect.Their thought process is very simple and no malice attached to it.I think a man is never so jealous of another man just becoz he looks better than him,.They have no time for these inferior emotions.Call me old fashioned, but I just love the way a man acts all chivalrous(Chivalry is not dead, at least not yet) when there is a lady around.The way the get so protective and Responsible.Women of the world, you may love to hate me for this writing this peice, but, I wanted to see if I could write something in praise of the Clan, and realized that it was too short coz there is only so much to it.Now, I know why there and many more articles on Male Bashing.Wait for my next on Male Bashing............................will definately be a longer peice..................I am sure...........Sorry...........all those Men out there!!!!!!!!!I still feel YOU are amazing.........Yessss..............I also admire how men resist shopping........our greatest weakness......