Friday, March 14, 2008

Smart Women and Loosers Attract

Well, wonder why I see these things more and more each day.....Is it that there is a dearth of good men around or women in General have are too smart to a fault...whew! These are true stories that happened in front of my eyes and any resemblance to any person dead or living is not co-incidental.

Scenario 1:

A smart girl who works for a HR Firm in a metropolis. She is beautiful, dashing, well dressed, neat, stylish and Fashionable, knows her mind, loves Soft Rock, Hollywood romantic comedies, Jim Morrison, Brad Pitt, Meg Ryan, Bollywood and Kajol.She is the very smart suave career woman, focused on building a career. In short she iz what you would call a Rock Chick.....She has a boyfriend who is good looking but such a looser in life, lives off his girls' earnings and blows up da money mainly on Booze, beats her up whenever he gets high and Highly possessive....Finally the smart cookie, manages to dump the squib after a huge emotional conflict...The breakup hurts her a lot as she really loved the guy and he was a high school sweetheart...Of course the break up is heavy on the guy as well, but after all he was da cause for it thus it waz well deserved.....then she finds this sympathetic shoulder smartass kinda guy, okie looking, not a looser, planning to get a green card and is chasing our dear lil Rock Chick like mad...both hook up and rock chick sees love in life again, the guy splurges on her, the best hangouts, the best outfits, the guy brings out confidence in her which is a good thing..3 months later he gets his US Visa and flies to Uncle Sam in search of Employment and Green Card, leaving his Rock Chick behind...She carries his photograph in her bag, has his voice as a ring tone and caller tune, has a framed photo of them both on her work desk....the relationship tries hard to survive for a staggering period of six more months after which she is perplexed by his indifference and disinterest, he comes to her land only to tell her its over.....then she finds this extremely sexy, suave, handsome colleague who has seen her thru the previous relationship and was secretly harboring feeling for our beauty, jumped and the first chance, wooed her with flowers, gifts, coffee outings, then slowly they became cozy dinners and then they officially announced the "committed" status, when the mother of typical Tambram hunk disapproves of the social nicotinelizing (if dats a word), social boozing , career minded and modern bahu in da family, the hunk, turns out to be a Mamas Boy....Rock Chick is confused to the hilt though he career is in its peek....

Scenario 2;

A super intelligent well groomed career girl with a great job and numerous offers flooding her practically every day. Hot property in the Corporate houses, well networked, oozing confidence, will never take no for an answer when it comes to closing Business deals, Star performer in her team, intimidates Men. She loves her Archies with piping Coffee, gushes over Brad Pitt (he is really the taste of Sophosticated women), loves Ally Mc Beal and Friends and loooves most of all to hang out with friends for a smoke , chai and some cheese sandwiches.She had been dating this light eyed, non looker, non performer, looser, since her college days,when he swept her off her feet with some silly love song he sang, and from that day on our lil dynamo had her heart set on da dude, she had seen the world , met a lot of interesting men along her career, partied with corporates, but she stuck to this ol’ damp who was struggling to do something in life and was trying a pathetic hand at the Real Estate Business, as she had the responsibility of a commitment and she was a strong believer of "TRUE LOVE"....but unfortunately the ol’ damp did not share the similar belief and sentiments, building up an inferiority complex came naturally to him, especially during all those social occasions when she would take him out for her corporate gatherings. He would spot a young Tart who may not be as intimidating as his girlfriend and flirt endlessly, looked for easy tarty lays everywhere and banged them left right centre as a tonic for his ego, till the lady found out one day, and dumped him immediately and then had a girly night out with a lot of booze and dance, but in spite of all this she camouflaged all the hurt she felt shez single, ready to mingle and come out of the seclusion she waz in for months.....

Seanario 3:

Highly skilled, talented , articulate, and pretty young thing. Most had hardly seen a 13 year old with such IQ and were fascinated with the young thing. Everyone thought there was no match for her in the world. She was too good for anyone. Loved her Fredrick Forsythe, Sidney Sheldon, Broadway musicals, and a small dose of Bollywood to go along with the concoction. She was a dreamer and dreamt of the white Knight on a steed who'd sweep he off her feet, thank fully she didn’t have to wait long before the real Knight surfaced from nowhere and blew her mind off....he was handsome (extremely goodlooking) , stylish, rockstar Dude who came with the frills of being rich.She was elated and could believe she had found the love of her life so early, when people wait for 30 till they set their heart on someone, she had found her soulmate at what if his IQ doesn’t match that of hers, she will manage to live on conversations revolving around the 80's rock stars....she will keep the more intellectual discussions for the family and friends, she will cook for him, keep his house, his dog...she had stars in her eyes.....the relationship went along smooth sailing for 8 years, then trouble started brewing in her paradise....She had run out of the 80's rock star anecdotes in her stock , so had she started being satisfied with the silly conversations or non conversations they had....she realized it would be very difficult to get along with a person with famine for ideas.......he was the typical stud who like to be complimented for his good looks by beautiful women and fell into the trap of glamour and glitz though he claimed that he loved his pretty young thing a lott...she tolerated his philandering only for the reason that he seemed to be still madly in love with her.....he abused her, and cheated on her and always came back with a puppy dog face she couldn’t resist.....she took all the shit from him, and they were engaged to be married , just when she thought engagement would change him, she learnt of a few more disturbing activities of our Hero, she wanted to call off her marriage but couldn’t owing to familial ties...don’t know what to say.

Seanario 4:

Smart, Intelligent, well dressed, pretty, bubbly and ultra charming. Very ambitious girl and wanted to be a top notch corporate figure. Did everything she could to work towards her goal. Did internships, socialized with people who mattered, studied to get into various colleges. The journey was interrupted by a surprise co-passenger who had similar dreams and she fell madly in love with the beautiful stranger. He was a cool dude, the kind most women would die for. As soon as she expressed her undying love to her, he laughed it off as an infatuated lil girl. But the more he got to know her, meet her, he realized she was a woman with grit, strength and stuff (the grey kind).So he fell for the girl head over heels. As soon as he proclaimed his love she had to move city. She kept the faith and so did he. Letters, mails, cards, phone calls were the most awaited tidbits in her life. She was as bubbly as ever and love had given her more strength and grit. Slowly the correspondence seemed to be thinning from the dude's den. She was worried, she would try calling him up. He would always seem to be "out of calling area", "Busy", or "Switched off”. Sometimes she would go weeks without any communication from the mate, weeks turned into months, months turned into half an year. NOW, she had had enough, she decided to look her man up herself. She visited his town .Set up a date at an appointed place and time. The guy showed up 3 hours behind schedule, with friends and some booze and fast bikes. She was horrified. How could the ambitious, sincere and level headed boy turn into "The Perfect Brat”. She waz dissapointed.The guy being as insensitive as he could be, was shocked to see her, as he thought she might have left the hangout after waiting for him for an hour or so. So he turned a good 3 hours late. That was the end of it all. She left him with the bad company he had gotten into; after all she had many more ambitions in life to look forward. But yes this one did hurt, and hurt her bad, though thankfully not bad enuf to leave a scar.

So you see now, Most of the smart women end up with Big Time Losers, and why????There are too many such stories to fit into my blog, but all of them have the same underlying themes to them. Well the girls did move on with their lives eventually, some found true love, and some compromised on the losers, some got smarter and decided to dump all men and turn Lesbians (well not really!!! just kidding.), but ya some made up minds to steer clear of the disturbed sex, Sigh!!!!!
But one underlying factor was that they were all smart with the wrong men.

Why are Smart women mostly attracted to Losers, Beats me!!!!!!!


Justbeing-Sree said...

Wonderful Veena....You have great clarity in thought. Keep writing and I just loved ur backdrop....

Justbeing-Sree said...

Veena, truly a great read and I can so v well associate my experiences...U truly are awesome when you write.....Keep the pen moving always....;))
Ur ardent fan..;)

carrothead meets Blonde said...

hey Sree...thanks so much my dear...keep peeping in for more glad u liked them....

Keerti Prasad said...

Very well-said ! All scenarios in perfect tandem with instances in the lives and struggles of metrosexual women (if I am allowed to use that phrase here ! )

I think it just follows that "opposites attract". But what baffles me the most is that "likes repel" at first, but do attract each other later. I have seen THIS happening too!

carrothead meets Blonde said...

@keerti , Well, if men can be labelled Metrosexual so can the women

I daresay that the "initially repelling and a subsequent attracting factor" is healthier than vice versa....